A Heavy Duty Mechanical Payoff Stand
Accra-Matic Dereeler Model D-1 is a heavy-duty mechanical payoff stand with a special low back tension braking device for paying off wire in bulk form. This stand pays off wire slow or fast with 3 to 7 lbs. pulling force depending on feed speed. 250 to 1,000 lbs. spools standard. The unit is equipped for 30" diameter spools - 22" or 26" spools can be accommodated by using custom ramp.
1/2 HP permanent magnet motor
Heavy duty gear box
Special regenerative DC motor drive
Analog controlled
Capacity: 250 to 1,000 lb. spools
Weight: 200 lbs.
Height x Width x Depth: 54" x 27" x 30"
Add-on arm and pulley available for feeding wire up or down from location

Benefits and Cost Savings
Uses bulk wire - fewer changes needed
High speed efficiency - wire speed from a few IPM to 2,000 IPM
Minimum down time - no forklift needed. Spools load upright into place in seconds
Saves space - only 18" wide - most compact on market with fastest stopping time
On-the-job versatility - different pulleys and tensioning devices can be installed on the stand to run different diameter wires